From the day he came down the escalator, Trump promised to burn it all down. And now Conservatism Inc. is surprised the country is on fire? What did they think was going to happen? — Sarah Longwell
One of America’s critically important, ongoing debates centers around the deep political/economic/cultural divide separating those with liberal/progressive inclinations on the Left side from those with conservative preferences on the Right. Donald Trump’s presence is the steady fuel source keeping the partisan flames burning white hot.
For starters, we should acknowledge that doing nothing to bridge the divide is the worst possible choice each and both sides will make in addressing the critically important issues we face today. They won’t resolve themselves without cooperation and our leaders’ guidance. They will get worse, however, so there’s that.
Despite the fervent hopes by many, Donald Trump is not Plan A. Or B. Or C ….At least he isn’t if the future well-being of our nation and our democracy still matter. His incompetent mishandling of the pandemic and the cur rent Russia bounty scandal he’s content to ignore are just the latest in a never-ending series of incidents where Trump has demonstrated how utterly unqualified and how dangerously incapable he is of answering the bell as President. The costs and consequences to our nation — to all of us…