There is nothing virtuous in abandoning your principles. There’s nothing useful about everyone agreeing with each other. What we need to do is work out how to argue better. Competition between different ideas and values is not the problem. In fact, competition fosters and sustains excellence. We should be arguing, in good faith, from a variety of perspectives about the best way to improve society.
As a general proposition, liberals/progressives believe government has an essential role to play in improving our society. But we also believe that what will further that aim are the efforts of citizens working cooperatively, guided by the values and beliefs our nation has long sought to honor. Due respect for those who prioritize values and principles differently to achieve that objective will be a vital component. It won’t hurt that cause if both sides accept the truth that others are not nearly as evil or stupid as partisans think.
As an objective, sustaining and strengthening the framework of society, government, and culture in a way that best allows all of us to move forward to a better future should not be open to much debate.
Trump opponents recognize the obstacles they must confront — not that we have all of the answers or that our assessments and options are the only “correct” ones to follow and/or address. There’s an over-abundance of…