Are those on the Right content with their assessments about those of us on the other side of the political/cultural “debates,” and/or the current status quo regarding our disagreements and contrasting perspectives? The failure by members of each political team to offer insight into their reasonings rather than ridiculing those “others” helps none of us. (By insights — at least as they relate to Donald Trump — I’m referring to more than the recitation of meaningful-sounding, idealized observations light years distant from Trump’s actual statements and behaviors.)
Understanding is almost always a critical factor when opponents reach agreement, or at least gain initial acceptance so as to begin a first conversation. For those tens of millions of fellow citizens not exactly enamored with Donald Trump’s presence on the national stage, the efforts and explanations required to persuade us that his claim to leadership has any upside will itself be a herculean task before we even pull a chair up to the table.
Convincing us that he’s been accomplishing so much for our nation is simply incomprehensible. What is he achieving under any even unreasonable definition of “accomplishments”!? Supporters’ chances of successful persuasion would be greater if they attempted to sway anti-Trumpers into agreeing how delightful the year-round climate on the surface of the sun must be. We can’t drum…