Member-only story
Pay Attention!
A simple request to Trumpers

If there’s one aspect of America’s ever-deepening political and cultural divide which I doubt I’ll ever fully understand, it is this: do Donald Trump’s supporters ever give legitimate consideration to the What Happen Then? portion of our social, political, and cultural conflicts should he and his authoritarian toadies regain political and institutional power?
Nothing good will ever come from those who lack character, respect for others, integrity, the capacity to feel shame at their destructive lies, and any appreciation or concern for how a free, democratic America remains mankind’s best option for a peaceful and prosperous future — its many, many shortcomings duly-noted. The likes of Donald Trump and his band of suck-ups are not saving those traits for display the day after they gain official political power.
A lot of self-serving enrichment seems to be taking place at his supporters’ expense. Don’t they ever notice and/or wonder about that?
The Trump vs. NOT Trump clash is not some esoteric, high-school level political philosophy exercise. This is real life! The creation of an authoritarian, anti-democracy, anti-rule of law government in which only the elite are permitted to have power and wealth, and for purely self-serving intentions, will not be a happy place for any of us on the outside…